9. If in the face of the hunger, murder, rape, disease, and abuse standing against the world, your major complaint is "I WANNA BE ABLE TO KEEP THE GUNS I HAVE AND GET MORE KINDS OF GUNS," you're an asshole. You should shoot yourself in the head. It isn't even a question of whether or not gun control is good or bad. If THAT is what is important to you, you suck. You are stupid. You should die.
8. If you do not believe in Universal health care, you are inhuman. You are not conservative or liberal, you have rejected your humanity. You are inhuman. And not in the cool way where you get to live on the moon and hang out with giant dogs.

7. If you are against gay rights, then you are either afraid of sex in general, you are concerned about the size of your penis, or you are afraid of something about yourself which you stupidly think you can subdue if you work to squash it out of everyone else. Or all of the above. Time has proven me right about this, and will continue to do so.
6. If you own a Hummer, you're an asshole. There really aren't many ways around this. There's no reason, NONE, to own a hummer other than reasons that make you an asshole.
5. Kevin Smith is a hack.
4. All this zombie bullshit is getting to be very fucking boring.
3. Yea, I was looking at them. And will continue to do so.
2. I'm not an atheist, but I'm working towards it.

10. Coldplay suck: FACT. I like popular and unpopular bands and Coldplay just suck.
4. Not as boring as vampires, but yes. But don't tell anyone until I've sold my zombie western story AGAIN because the publisher who bought it two years ago folded.
4. I don't know. Maybe. The vampire stuff is getting old. That movie with John C. Riley, judging by the commercials, seems pretty indicative of the phrase "just not even trying that hard anymore." But at least vampires can talk and be people and SOMETIMES be cool in stories that aren't written by Mormons. With the zombies, I'm more bored with the Internet zombie humor than I am with the actual books, movies, etc. Things don't actually become automatically funnier if you throw the word "zombie" in an otherwise normal sentence. That works with "monkey," always has, always will, but not "zombie."
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