Some things are too good to last.
And then there's List SMASH!
List SMASH! was conceived in the wake of the break-up of a 5-year long relationship, and it had more than one purpose. It was a crawl-before-you-walk tactic to unblock my creative juices. I figured if I was writing a list per day, at least I was writing something. It was a way to vent, no matter how indirectly. But most importantly, it was a way to reconnect. Years of working the same hours as Batman took its toll on my social life, and after my relationship ended with the 5-year-Bitch, I needed friends more than ever.
Since then, I've wandered. Not all who wander are lost, but you know what Tolky buddy? Some fucking are.
I won't bore you with specifics. There are things I should've done more. There are things I should've done less. I have all but discarded the latter, and I'm embracing the former.
Of the parts of my life I have neglected, blogging about comics is something I've missed dearly. It was one of the more rewarding experiences of my life. It put me in touch with comic book professionals. It broadened my palette for an amazing art form that a lot of people still don't recognize. Most importantly, I thought I knew comics, and it taught me I didn't know shit.
Recently, my old buddy Alan Doane contacted me and a bunch of other alumni of his site Comic Book Galaxy. He asked us if we wanted to get something going. And so, we have the new group blog Trouble with Comics. I haven't contributed much of anything yet, but that will change soon. In the meantime, I'm preparing to put the defibrillators to my old comics blog, whose name is too cool to let it lay dormant, Superheroes, etc.
I feel good. Frankly, I feel better than I have in a while. I don't want to be melodramatic about this, but at the same time I want to be honest, no matter how much cheese that honesty produces. The fact is I feel like I left my path, and now I've found it again. My chest feels warm. I feel strong. I feel ready for all the things I've been hiding from.
Unfortunately, I just don't see room for List SMASH! Writing for a group blog, writing for my own blog, writing fiction on the side, AND semi-daily lists? Can't do it. I just can't.
But I'm not completely done with the Smash. The blog currently has 175 lists. I figure I have the time for 25 more to make it a nice round number like 200. And I'm going to try to take some extra care with them. None of those lists where I just want to update the site so I crap out something easy like "Top 10 Favorite Numbers". Once I'm done, the blog will remain. It won't be updated, but I'm not going to delete it or anything either.
I want to thank everyone who's visited the site and who's nudged me to keep updating when I've lagged behind. It always felt good to know this was something people genuinely enjoyed.
But, you know, it isn't like any of you pay me for it or anything. So don't even bitch. I'm bigger than all of you anyway.
I hope at least six of your last twenty five somehow involve zombies.
I hope this new project inspires you to get moving on your old project (the novel).
I love you; I love your writing. Everything you write evokes some response in me. I'm either crying because I'm laughing so hard and can barely breathe or I'm moved, inspired, etc. I'm continually awe-inspired at how well you seem to be able to write clearly and communicate exactly (as far as I can tell) what you're trying to say. I'll miss List SMASH, but whatever you're writing, I'll be reading it...just keep writing my friend!
Anonymous, I don't know what the fucking point of that is supposed to be, but I have many things you can kiss and/or suck.
I'll be sad to see these go, but am thrilled to hear that everything else is falling into place! Good work. Glen Danzig will miss you, for sure, as I'm sure he hasn't been mentioned as much in any other place EVER.
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