Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Top 10 Reasons Why My Existence Is So Absurd Someone Should Probably Shoot Me

10. I'm a camera man working for a radio station. Again, I'm a camera man working for a radio station.

9. I own multiple white longboxes thick with comic books. I have a bookshelf bursting with graphic novels - mostly about superheroes or other stories involving the supernatural. I spend more time than I'm willing to admit on an online game in which I pretend to be a dwarf who kills monsters. My favorite films are those in which diminutive heroes walk across non-existent landscapes in order to destroy evil jewelry, in which super-powered freaks straddle cityscapes and fight evil, and in which flying kung-fu masters kick each other's asses with expert choreography. My favorite tv shows are those that invole alien abduction, vampire slaying, and murderers possessed by demons. Regardless I don't believe in God, ghosts, psychic powers, aliens, Big Foot, the Loch Ness Monster, the predictions of Nostradamus, or Captain Crunch and I ruthlessly insult those who do.

8. I don't even know if I have a doorbell.

7. I generally only realize 5 years after the fact that I knew a chick who totally wanted to sleep with me.

6. In spite of the fact that the name with which most people refer me - Mick - is an Irish racial slur, and that my full name is Michileen Connor Martin, I feel as Irish as a taco. Oh, and I usually prefer English beer. Sorry...uh...countrymen. Or whatever.

5. I'm a CAMERA MAN working at a RADIO STATION.

4. I won't eat poultry or seafood. And I avoid most meat. Somehow, I still have this lovely I-eat-Hell's-Angels-every-morning physique.

3. I want to be a professional writer. I haven't written anything in months.

2. Glen Danzig.

1. When I was born, my mother was heavily sedated. When she saw me for the first time, held upside-down by the doctor, my mother yelled, "Oh my God! It's a fish!" I haven't been the same since then.


Anonymous said...

Top 10 reasons why Mick should exist.

10) Someone's gotta fill the weekend overnight shift. And Make fun of Zack. Mick does both.

9) I feel safe when we hang out, because nobody is gunna pick a fight with Mighty Mick.

8) Buffy rocks. Mick introduced me to Buffy.

7) Listsmash makes me grin. Maybe not LOL. But grin. And that's more than 99% of the webpages out there.

6) Despite having a crazy family, Mick is pretty grounded & well adjusted in his life. And that is more than 99% of the people I know.

5) Glenn Danzing says Mick is good with kids & animals. And I agree.

4) Mick is a redicuoously talented writer. And one time he did a paper on me. And he got it 100% right!

3) Mick likes Nirvana. I like Nirvana. Everyone wins. Except for Kurt Cobain. Cuz he's dead.

2) I'm drunkyness.

1) I've seen pictures of Mick from yester year. And I mean this in a very plutonic way so don't get any ideas- Mick is a hotty when he wants to be. And he's a very loyal boyfriend. And those are 2 things that make him a good catch. You hear me, ladies?

Mick Martin said...

aww shucks....thanks...

And HEY! What do you mean it doesn't make you LOL!?!?!