Friday, July 17, 2009

Top 10 Things That Piss Me Off About Internet Social Networking

10. It leads people to believe that I live in a climate-controlled, soundproof, underground bunker. I don't know why this is the case. I just know that every time it rains, every local Twitter or Facebook friend I have needs to post at least five or six "It's raining!" status updates. My favorite is when they specify by street. "It's raining on Lark St.!" Maybe they think this will give them an advantage in Monopoly.

9. The fact that I know within a year Facebook and Twitter will be old hat and I'll have to sign up for some other bullshit.

8. Not enough updates about me.

7. The fact that some people still don't get that the whole point of status updates is to give your friends BRIEF updates. Brief. Good rule of thumb - if your status update looks like an honest-to-Hulk paragraph, it's too effin' long.

6. The fact that it opens me up to the awkward situation of either actively allowing or disallowing social networking with employers, family members, people I know but don't particularly like, etc. And rodeo clowns.

5. It is sometimes very disheartening to learn, via social networking sites, that your friends believe in wildly different things than you do. Particularly if the things they believe in seem hateful. Or, along the same lines, if you find out they like musicals.

4. Most of the quizzes. Some are funny. But most are stupid and people end up putting a surprising amount of stock in the answers they get. It's really okay guys. If a quiz tells you you're Dumbledore but you really wanted to be Harry, there is a chance that the man-child who took 5 minutes to whip the thing together had flaws in his quiz-making logic. Besides, the question that decided it was probably something along the lines of "Would you say your name sounds more like 'mumbledore' or 'merry kopper'?"

3. I AM NOT GOING TO JOIN YOUR MOB IN MOB WARS! If I DO, then I'll just have to recruit people for MY mob. And none of them will join because we have all the same people on our friends lists, and they already hate you for trying to recruit them!

2. Surveys. I actually enjoy filling these out. They're so retarded that it's deliciously easy to come up with funny answers. But receiving them from other people is another matter. I really don't give a shit whether you prefer chocolate over vanilla. Buy your own stupid ice cream.

1. I am beginning to suspect that they're fibbing about these secret crushes. I don't even know anyone in Lithuania.


Mrs M said...

I think this list is pretty profound and worthy of a ROFLMAO even though I didn't. And since I'm too lazy to start my own blog, I just want to add that social networking makes it hard to define relationships. Like, I know more about the lives of distant acquaintances than I do many of my close friends and family who aren't on facebook or twitter. So does constantly seeing the intimate details of someones life mean I'm "close" to them? Even "friends" with them? No. Not at all. It's really schizophrenic.

Anonymous said...



Not a sound from the PAAAAAAVEMEEEEEENT

Has the moon lost her MEEEEEEMORYYYYYYY

*is promptly shot*
