9. There are dumb vampires. There are seductive, whorish vampires and vampires who want to conquer the world. There are sad, broody vampires and lazy vampires who just want to kill someone every now and then and stay out of everyone's away. Vampires, in other words, have variety. Werewolves, on the other hand, just growl and kill and hump people's legs until someone in town figures out how to melt silver.
8. Werewolves just don't seem to serve any purpose. They're just wolves on two legs instead of four. Why would a wolf want two legs instead of four? That's stupid. If you have four legs, be happy about your extra two legs, idiot.
7. Vampires are tougher to track, because they don't shit in the woods.
6. It isn't Buffy the Werewolf Slayer, is it? Why not? Because werewolves are lame and you don't need anyone special to kill them. Hell, some people even let them play basketball for them.

5. If you become a werewolf, you don't even get to enjoy it. You wake up in the woods all naked, and you're like "Whoa, I got drunk! And hey, is that my girlfriend's severed pinky?" And the police suspect you but they have no proof, and you go through this whole awkward, confusing period before you even realize you're a werewolf. And then it doesn't matter, because whenever you become a werewolf, YOU aren't around and don't get to enjoy killing and growling and humping people's legs. On the other hand, if you get turned into a vampire, you'll know, and you'll be stopping by your boss' house momentarily.
4. Your choice of locale is severely limited. Sure, there are movies where they have werewolves in urban areas, but that's bullshit. If you're a werewolf, you need to live out in the country. 'Cause you're a freaking werewolf. Which means you may be limited as far as cable is concerned, you might have to do satellite TV, who knows if you can even get a cell phone signal...
3. Werewolves have super strength. So do vampires. Werewolves are really fast. So are vampires. Some vampires can turn into bats, wolves, or even mist. Werewolves can turn into werewolves and the thing they are when they're not werewolves.
2. Vampires are always vampires. Werewolves are only werewolves 3 nights out of the month, and ONLY at night. Werewolves are lazy.
1. A monstrous personification of mankind's primal rage?

Yeah, we've got that covered, Scooby. And he's bigger than you.
you guys are so incredibly stupid how dare you. werewolves are age old legacies. the only vampire I have ever had respect for is count Dracula. it all went downhill from there. werewolves cant be killed with garlic and can pluck puny bats out of the sky. get a life creeps.
Your extremely realistic concern over this incredibly important subject convinced me of your rich and full life.
do you think your big buddy? I will stab you up the arse with a samurai sword. werewolves are way better than vampires. a vampire may be powerful. but in a low place that's confined the werewolf would seriously destroy the vampire. also- you are using the worst movies to show people your way.
At some point it's possible you'll realize you're getting very upset about a blog post that is not only 4 years old, but that was meant COMPLETELY as a joke. I'm not going to say you'll necessarily feel stupid when you realize that, but you probably should.
I am a vampire, dick.
What ever
Fuck u all vamps r way better the have super strength and speed and werewolves just go crazy and rage plus vamps look way cooler
Ikr if u get bulied as a vamp u cud beat the shit outa the guy but as a werewolf u cant turn into 1cuz its not a full moon and the director of twilight probaly hated vamps
If u wave garlic in a real vamps face he will probaly laugh then kick ur ass. Vamps dont burst into flames in the sun they are u sensitive to the sun
- Werewolves will take you to dinner - Vampires think you're dinner.
- Werewolves will snuggle with you on a picnic on a bright sunny day - Vampires typically avoid sunlight
- Werewolves have big families, so you'll never be lonely. Vampires tend to be loners.
- Werewolves like big fluffy beds - Vampires sleep in a casket.
- Werewolves will protect you with their life - Vampires are narcissistic and rarely care if you're okay or not.
- Werewolves make better lovers - That sparkly vamp in those movies looked pained when he was being a lover.
- Werewolves look great in jeans! Vampires tend to overdress and are rarely rocking jeans.
- Werewolves have animal magnetism - Vampires compel you to be their friend.
- Werewolves know how to party and howl at the moon - Vampires are on the boring side when it comes to parties.
Kind regards,
Sorcerer ;-)
A vampire would win against a werewolf idiot, all the dog is going to remember is the vampire blurring around the edges and that's it the dogs dead
I understand that you're allowed to have your own opinion, but you know what? if you want to try to convince people vampires are better back up your opinions with REAL facts. adding cuss words into your reasons why vamps are better just down grades the side you're standing for and is a Major turn off. And F.Y.I.
ever watch the movie Van Helsing?
Because it is clearly enough evidence to show how a werewolve is by far more badass than a walking corps who can't even enjoy the sunlight!
Yo Bitch, ever heard of Alucard?
Everyone the truth is vampires are far superior to werewolves
1.vampires always have super strength, super speed, compulsion and all their other abilities. But werewolves only get their crappy abilities. on a full moon
2.vampires have an entire list of powers too many to name but werewolves have one and they have no control over it.
3.no matter how you put it a vampire would obliterate a werewolf in battle.
4.vampires actually enjoy the perks of vampirism but werewolves forget their entire night.
Sorry wolf lovers but you can't argue with fact
True, those mutts dont even know what happens
To be honest, i think werewolvs are better because, they arent decomposing bodies like vampires. Just think about it, vampires die then rise back up from the dead. They kinda sound like zombies to me. Also vampires are just weird and gross, they are 1,000 years old yet they date 17 year old girls? Gross! Plus they live off of blood. What if humanity just vanished one day where are they going to get blood(vampires dont like animal blood) from? But if you are a werewolve you can just eat normal human food because they are kind of like humans just faster and stronger.
Even if you watch TVD they show that werewolfs are stronger than vampires(a bite from a werewolf os fatal to vampires and can kill them within 1 day :) Plus vampires cant go in the sun, also they need a daylight ring to do so, but they would need a witch to do so. And dont even bring up shimmering in the sun, that's just retarded...
I'm apart of the Guthrie Clan from Scotland some are Vampires some Werewolves and man its difficult. We on occasion neck and neck. Though when some of your family is of the wolf blood while you feed on it. It is difficult.
F*ck u vampires u are weak than werewolves.
Oi u wot m9
Vampires are better than werewolves. I can't use facts to back that up though because, both aren't real. Also using movies aren't facts as they are works of fiction, and can write whatever they want to be superior. DAMN IT! I LOST MY OWN ARGUMENT!!!
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