9. Without independence, we wouldn't have had the Civil War. Without the Civil War, we wouldn't have as many reasons to feel superior to the South. With less reasons to feel superior to the South, I might feel bad about wanting to push this face into a wall -

8. Traffic Circles.
7. Marmite.
6. If we were still part of Britain, they never would've bothered to make an American version of The Office.
5. Superheroes. There would be no Captain America. Spider-Man wouldn't have any skyscrapers to swing from, so he'd just have to hop a lot. And Bruce Banner would turn into a giant, green beast that was just...occasionally rude.
4. ONLY English Punk. No Misifts, Ramones, Bad Brains, Black Flag, Dead Kennedys...they might let us keep Green Day.
3. We would mispronounce so many words. Like "aluminum" and "controversy" and "bread."
2. It's always weird to hear English people sing with what sounds like American accents. On the other hand you don't hear Americans singing with English accents (again, Green Day may be an exception). I think that's a pretty clear sign that we made the right choice.
1. World War II. Without the existence of the USA, there wouldn't have been a large world power that decided to not jump into a European war right away. Without that delay, when trying to blame someone for the bombing of Britain, the English might have to admit that declaring a war on someone and then not doing anything for an entire year is pretty fucking stupid. This might force them to look into their own misshapen-tooth-filled mirrors when seeking someone to blame for their own fuck-ups, rather than saying "You yanks took yer time now dintcha?" Or, conversely, at this late hour, they might consider blaming the Germans.
I am never disappointed with the well-thought out and erudite commentary I read here. Kudos to you, sir.
Keep yer hands off our Paula Dean... Deen... Whatever the fuck, the lady what does the cookin' outta Savannah. Yer only jealous... yankee.
You stupid yank prick. I could go on all day about a country that votes a complete moron like Bush into power. You CLEARLY know fuck all about the British. You are all obese incompetants who have butchered the English language. As for war, a common term for your American forces is "all the gear, no idea" I can't believe some of the planks I had the displeasure of working with whilst I served as a Royal Marine Commando. You simply have numbers but we have the finest forces in the world. What a poor misguided loser you are. For the record it is pronounced A-LOO-MIN-EE-UM not! ALOO-ME-NUM and OR-EE-GAR-NO not! OR-IG-A-NO. And they are HERBS with a H in front, not URBS!!!!Idiots.
By the way you nosh bag and any other yank half wits. You can leave all the lame comments you want. I stumbled across this site and wont ever be using it again. False email just to post. Bye now! Y-all take care now ya hear!
Wow. Well, I'm not going to judge all English people by your comments, because I've met a few and I know most actually have a sense of humor.
Because it, in fact, wasn't my intention to piss off any British folk, I'm going to go out of my way to explain to you what I think MOST people understood when they read this list. Namely, in most of the items on this list, I was ACTUALLY criticizing my own country. I realize the subtleties might confuse you, particularly if you're just an angry little dick looking for a random website to vomit on, but your confusion isn't my fault.
As far as our American butchering of the English language, well I was kidding about that, which I thought I made clear with the addition of the word "bread" (which Americans and English pronounce similarly). I think it's great that you're correcting us on oregano. Especially since it was originally an Italian word that the English "butchered" much like us yanks "butcher" English words.
I know you said you wouldn't be checking back, but considering you already had to come back just to explain you weren't coming back, I'll take my chances. Cheers!
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