10. To date, there have been two expansions to the game. Also, like other online games, when you play World of Warcraft you will occasionally need to download patches. World of Warcraft has been around for close to 5 years. So, if you decide to play, you will be installing World of Warcraft, then World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, then World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, and finally 5 years worth of patches. The entire process is likely to take around 8 hours. And no, I'm not kidding or exaggerating.
9. Read this, and realize that if you join a WoW guild, you will learn that when I wrote that list, I wasn't joking that much.
8. Dwarves are better than Elves. It's not an opinion. I proved it.

7. You will have to learn a new language. You will need to find a friend or two to translate or you'll be completely fucking lost. And if you don't believe me, then once you ding 40, head to SM Lib but make sure you manage your aoe so your dps isn't so high it aggros over the tank and causes a wipe.
6. If you plan on playing a female character, ask yourself how many private messages you want from players wanting to do things to you only legal in Thailand. If you're not okay with that, play a male character. Or, go ahead and play a female. Just make it either a dwarf or a gnome.
5. People will tell you that playing a Hunter is for newbs, that it takes no skill at all, that hunters are overpowered, and that it's the absolute easiest thing in the game to do.
They're right. Don't be stupid. Play a Hunter. (Here's mine)
4. Eventually, your guildmates will want you to get a program called Ventrilo that facilitates voice chat. It's best to lie and say it won't work on your computer. I guarantee you most of the people in your guild are annoying.
3. Eventually friends are going to want to take you into dungeons. If you want to figure out whether or not you have enough time to do it, ask the person who invited you how long it will take. Multiply their answer by 2. Then add an hour.
2. If you choose to play WoW, you will eventually experience a very important moment.
In WoW, you can adjust your camera view by clicking and holding the left mouse button anywhere on the screen, and then rotating your view by moving the mouse while still holding the button.
One day, you will go looking for videos people made of WoW and posted on YouTube. Maybe someone will tell you about a funny one. Maybe your guild leader will tell you to go check out the video of a boss fight to help you learn your role in the encounter. Or maybe you'll just be curious about one of those dumb ass videos people make of their WoW characters dancing to "Numa Numa."
At some point, you will start clicking on the YouTube screen in an attempt to rotate the camera view, just like in the game. It will take you a couple of seconds to realize that you actually THINK YOU'RE PLAYING THE GAME, even though you're not.
This will bother you. It will be a very blue pill/red pill moment.
You're probably gonna take the red pill. Just so you know.
1. My ex-girlfriend had a rule about WoW. While she would later use it in a sadistic and manipulative manner, it's still a good rule. If you do choose to play WoW, keep it in the back of your head in case you begin to lose yourself in the virtual world of Azeroth.
The rule: "The first time you refuse sex for WoW, it's OVER."
Ok! Very clear; message received. I'm taking the blue pill as we speak.
As for you, F*#%k the Werewolf thing and get out, get out, GET OUT!!!!!
It's...it's too late for me...
Go on without me...
Maybe I'll believe you about dwarves the first time I see a DWARF TURN INTO A FUCKING BEAR AND RIP YOUR LUNGS OUT.
I really feel a tug back to Azeroth, but I think I'd have to buy WoW again, and then Frozen Throne, and I'm just not ready to drop that much money on being lame when there are guitars I could be buying.
I miss my guildies though. They weren't annoying at all. They were cultured and interesting people. I'm not in the least bit kidding either.
Dwarves don't turn into bears because dwarves don't NEED to turn into bears. And they don't WANT to turn into bears. They have guns. Fuck bears.
Oh by the way, they're letting trolls be druids in the next xpac. Don't know how they're gonna justify that.
Um, while I don't think I would agree with her otherwise, I must concur on #1. Just saying.
I have to agree. #1 is a big issue that's compounded by the fact that you're turning down your girlfriend (a happy reality) for what is clearly a misogynistic (which is totally not you) non-reality when in fact you could be spending this time writing!!!...and with your girlfriend!
Choose reality, Mick, choose reality! Its NOT too late for you; I refuse to believe that it is...
Okay, okay, okay. Let's do the whole rewind thing.
1. I currently am NOT playing World of Warcraft.
2. I have never refused sex for World of Warcraft. I HAVE refused cybersex IN the World of Warcraft, but I have never refused actual sex for World of Warcraft.
3. Did everyone have their brains slide out of the back of their heads so they forgot I'M THE ONE WHO WROTE #1!?!?!?! In fact...I wrote the whole fuckin' list. In fact...I wrote every fuckin' list on this fuckin' site. Kind of a fuckin' theme if you haven't noticed.
Of course choosing sex over WoW is a good idea! That's why I wrote it! You all need to chill-izzle up here in my face-izzle or Hulk-izzle is gonna drop some Smash-izzle on yer hiney-izzle.
you wouldn't...
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