Halloween is still 3 months away, but I want a good costume this year and that means getting ready early. So I want you guys to help me figure out who I'm going to be. And your guidance will come in the form of this list. Following these 10 guidelines should, I hope, help you to come up with options for Halloween outfits that will be fun, that will stimulate the imagination, and hopefully won't have too much to do with Kevin Smith.
So, here we go.
10. NO.

9. NO.

(maybe next year)
8. It has to be something I like. In other words, if I'm going to dress as up as a character from a film, tv show, comic book, whatever, it has to be one I enjoy. None of you are expected to be mind readers, but I suspect you all should know that suggesting I should dress up as a character from a musical, for example, will be met with certain amount of laughter and middle fingers.
7. It has to be cheap. I want to dress up, but I want to pay my bills. Telling my girlfriend she'll have to sell some of her collectible dolls to help pay rent because I really really REALLY wanted to make a convincing Orko ain't gonna fly.
6. Let's remember I'm fat. So any costumes that call for me with a bare torso, while perhaps comfortable for me, would cause some discomfort in the people around me. Otherwise I'd just be Hulk every year.
5. Nothing with kilts. I only say this because I have a kilt, people know I have a kilt, people have seen me in the kilt, and so everyone expects me to dress up in the kilt. I'm not going to. So shut up.
4. Little or no make-up. I sweat like a Republican in an ethics inquiry. So most make-up will not be staying on my face/body for long.
3. Nothing too bulky. Again, see #4.
2. Just to reiterare...NO.

1. No naughty nurse outfits. I'm not against being a nurse, but I wouldn't be naughty.
Cartman? It's the only thing I can think of that might fit all the criteria.
I voted multiple times last year in your Halloween costume poll. AND THEN YOU BAILED ON IT! So I refuse to give you any helpful input.
That being said, may I suggest the following (awesome) idea, that I believe fits the stipulations you've set forth: Naughty Silent Bob. It's not Silent Bob, and it's not a naughty nurse. BAM! Yes, I know, I'm awesome. You can thank me later.
I think the Cartman idea has promise. You'd need to learn how to swear and hate gingers, though.
This is tough, but very worth it...
I suggest the guy in this video personally. Before you say no, watch it completely... the guy rocks AND he gets the hot chicks AND clearly has superpowers
dammit, that was Cheyenne again... Like right now... DAMMIT
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