Thursday, May 15, 2008

Weekly Top 10 Reasons Why Mick Doesn't Suck

10. Mick is intelligent.

9. Mick is creative.

8. Mick is not ugly when he's not too fat.

7. Mick hair has curls women would kill kittens for.

6. Mick is friendly to kittens.

5. Mick is a safe, defensive driver.

4. Mick is a talented writer.

3. Mick is funny.

2. Mick is insightful.

1. Mick is okay with public transportation.


Scott said...

Reasons why Mick sucks:

1. Porn

2. He thinks Huntard is a compliment

3. Hulk is full of failsauce.

4. He's the very thing Beazel bashed with his mace.

5. He has to post the reasons why he doesn't suck on a blog.

<3 man

Mick Martin said...

Mick's thorough response:

1. Where?

2. /misdirect Scott, /arcane shot Kazzak

3. And he transforms that sauce into throbbing rage which he uses to beat up elves.

4. Who the hell is Beazel?

5. I don't have to. I choose to. Forgive me for my devotion to education.

<3 right back atcha.