Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Top 10 Reasons Why Bears Hibernate

10. They save on power bills.

9. No winter boots.

8. Sick and tired of It's a Wonderful Life.

7. They do nothing but sit at home and sleep. Yeah, it's so different from what you do. Racist.

6. They don't like Christmas shopping.

5. Glen Danzig.

4. No foliage.

3. Bears have 23 wet dreams per hour.

2. On the weekends leading up to Christmas, claymation elves descend from the North Pole and hunt down the largest animals they can find. They ritualize every kill by severing and eating the testicles while singing about friendship.

1. Sleep cures herpes.


Anonymous said...

Hello Michileen,

My name is "Bear with Roast Beef in my pocket"...please don't make fun as my mother named me after a large women ate my father in one swallow. It is said she smelled of Germen Bologna. Fucking Nazis...
If I may take this moment to comment on your most recent post. First of all Bears love x-mas, how else do you think we get those awesome bear feet slippers.
Second, true we bears do like to sleep but we also spend a inordinate amount of time smoking dope outside of our caves and looking at on-line beastiality porn, preferably on other bears computers.
Third, Glen Danzig is old and smells like Old Spice, we would much rather hang out with George Michaels...he just smells like Mayonnaise.
Fourth, you are correct about the 23 wet dreams per hour...see beastiality porn.
And finally sleep does cure herpes but it does not help those with pre pubescent facial hair...shave mother fucker.

Yours truly
Bear with roast beef in his pocket.

Anonymous said...

I tried to vote in your poll, but it said "Cannot process request". Fuckin pissy shits! Cock.