Monday, June 2, 2008

Top 10 Songs I Want Played At My Funeral

10. "Dead" by They Might Be Giants

9. "Forward to Death" by NoMeansNo (originally by the Dead Kennedys, but this version is funnier)

8. "Life Is Shit" by The Dead Milkmen

7. "Evil Will Prevail" by The Flaming Lips

6. "Last Caress" by The Misfits

5. "My Way" by Sid Vicious

4. "I Will Survive" by Cake.

3. "The Song You Hear When You Die" by Lemon Demon

2. "Short People" by Randy Newman

1. "Bitches Ain't Shit" by Ben Folds


zoei said...

Dude, I think I love you.

Mick Martin said...

Don't fight it. You know you want some dwarf.