9. The very concept of the MMORPG fascinates me. I remember playing a Spider-Man game on my old Sega Genesis – I think it was called “Maximum Carnage,” you switched between playing Spider-Man and playing Venom – and thinking “Wow, wouldn’t it be cool if you could play a super-hero in a video game in some kind of video game city, and there were tons of other people in the city playing super-heroes and you could help each other out,” etc. I’m not saying “Hey! That was my idea!” It was just something I think a lot of people who grew up with video games knew had to eventually happen. And now that it has, I’d feel cheated if I didn’t get to try it out just a little bit.
8. There’s nothing like telling a woman you play World of Warcraft. Sometimes I have to call security to pry them off me. If I show them my purple epics, forget about it.
7. There are so many fun miscommunications to be enjoyed. For example, in one area of the game there is a town called “Halaa” which players fight over. I was speaking with my guildmates over vent one day (vent is short for “Ventrillo” - a program that lets you talk to people with a mic and headset), and someone asked me where I was. I answered “Halaa.” My ex-girlfriend, at that time not yet an ex, was sitting behind me at her desk, and instead of hearing me say “Halaa” was concerned about my yelling “HOLLA’!” thinking I was going to a hip hop concert without her.
6. My friends on WoW rule. Except for Wenu. He’s a dick.
5. I can totally kill people and not get in trouble. Some of them I can even skin.
4. I used to play Dungeons & Dragons, and now I own a computer. It’s kind of a law. If I didn’t play it by last year, I would’ve had to pay more taxes or something.
3. I has a dragon.

2. I can be a stalwart, hardy dwarf without actually being short. Beat that!
1. It’s really, really addictive.
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