Well, a good friend has already sent out invitations to her Halloween party, so it's time to figure out what to go as.
MAKE SURE TO VOTE IN THE POLL IN THE SIDEBAR! I WILL BE CHOOSING WHATEVER COSTUME GETS THE MOST VOTES! I've extended the poll so that it lasts until two weeks before Halloween, which I figure will give me enough time to get whatever costume together.
AT LEAST TEN PEOPLE HAVE TO VOTE IN THE POLL! Otherwise, I'm choosing my own. I'm not gonna go as Nacho Libre if, like, 4 people vote and 2 of them choose him. That's just silly.
10. SILENT BOB from various Kevin Smith movies

Pros: Easy costume requirements.
Cons: Already did it a few years ago, I'm trying to quit smoking, and I can't shut up for that long. Also, I hate Kevin Smith. He stole my look.
9. NACHO LIBRE from Nacho Libre

Pros: He wears a mask, so I won't have to shave my beard.
Cons: I'd have to wear a mask.
8. TOM BOMBADIL from The Lord of the Rings

Pros: No one who isn't a Lord of the Rings geek knows who the hell he is, so I know no on else will come as him. When I get drunk and start dancing around and singing to trees and inanimate objects, I'll have an excuse.
Cons: No one who isn't a Lord of the Rings geek knows who the hell he is.
7. OLAF THE TROLL from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Pros: The only Buffy character I could ever pull off. And I get to carry a cool hammer around.
Cons: No one who doesn't have the same intimate Buffy familiarity as myself will know who he is, and just think I'm a geek. Which I am, but still. At a Buffy-themed costume party this might be the way to go, but just in a general costume thingee, I don't think so.
6. THOR from The Mighty Thor

PROS: One of the only classic super-heroes I could pull off.
CONS: He's Thor.
5. THE MAESTRO from The Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect

PROS: The Maestro is a futuristic version of the Incredible Hulk who goes insane and takes over the world. So it's kind of a cool way of being the Hulk for Halloween without actually being the Hulk. I could incorporate my beard into the costume.
CONS: Again, we run into the fact that only a specific group of people will have any idea who the hell he is.
4. PRINCE VULTAN from Flash Gordon

PROS: It'd be funny as hell.
CONS: Those wings would be a pain to reproduce. Either I'd have to go wingless, they'd be too small, or they'd be the right size and I would both have difficulty getting through doorways and constantly be apologizing for unintentionally smacking people with them.
3. HAMISH from Braveheart

PROS: I already have a kilt. So gathering the rest of the costume would be easy. Just need a lot of ratty clothes, maybe some blue face paint, and maybe blonde hair dye. Also, if anyone showed up as Mel Gibson or any Mel Gibson character, I would get to beat them up a lot.
CONS: Might be confused for just a random, generic Scottish guy.
2. SAMURAI CHEF from Saturday Night Live

PROS: Again, minimal costume requirements. And nothing about John Belushi isn't cool.
CONS: I'd have to speak fake-Japanese all night and try to hack loaves of bread to pieces.
1. SALLAH from the Indiana Jones flicks (the good ones)

PROS: Yet again, not a lot of effort would need to go into the costume. And I'd get to say cool stuff all night like "INDY! THEY'RE DIGGING IN THE WRONG PLACE!" and "Asps. Very dangerous. You go first." and "Bad dates." And in a party atmosphere I could adapt these lines for comedic value, like, "INDY! THEY'RE DRINKING PIELS IN THE WRONG PLACE!" (not that there's ever a right time or place to drink Piels) or "Deviled Eggs. Very Dangerous. You go first." or "Bad Candy Corn."
CONS: Would be bugged all night to repeat stupid lines from Raiders. Also, if anyone showed up dressed as Indy, I'd have to carry all their shit.
P.S. I realize that with both a John Rhys-Davies character and a Lord of the Rings character on this list, folks might be saying, "Hello?!?! Where's Gimli?" I'm not dressing as Gimli. No fucking way. Trying to be that short would take effort. If I wanted to be on my knees that much, I'd quit the radio station and go the Midnight Cowboy route. Probably make more money too.
I only know 2 of these characters. God, I suck.
Which ones?
I know you know Silent Bob, you've gotta know Sallah, right? And Olaf! You watched Buffy, I know you watched Buffy.
Never seen Indiana Jones. Any of them. I know, I know.
I feel the need to make a smart-ass response which would simultaneously reference Indiana Jones. But you wouldn't get it. It makes me sad.
Would you shave your chest for Nacho Libre? If so... I vote for that.
Hell NO.
My chest is hairy with wookie goodness and I love it.
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